is the central concept in the library. It represents a single configuration value or a composition of multiple values. The library provides functions like env
, file
, and prop
for creating ConfigValue
s for environment variables, file contents, and system properties. The ciris-http4s-aws module adds support for reading values from the AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store, while external modules provide support for additional configuration sources.
If a configuration value is missing, or
lets us use a fallback.
import ciris._
val port: ConfigValue[Effect, Int] =
Using as
we can attempt to decode the value to a different type.
Note Effect
here means the configuration value can be used with any effect type (with an Async
instance). If we're working with a concrete effect type (e.g. IO
) or an abstract effect type (i.e. F[_]
), we can specify the return type explicitly or use covary
in case we want to fix the effect type.
import cats.effect.IO
port: ConfigValue[IO, Int]
// res1: ConfigValue[IO, Int] = ConfigValue$796933130
// res2: ConfigValue[IO, Int] = ConfigValue$796933130
Multiple values can be loaded and combined in parallel, and errors accumulated, using parMapN
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
final case class ApiConfig(port: Int, timeout: Option[Duration])
val timeout: ConfigValue[Effect, Option[Duration]] =
val apiConfig: ConfigValue[Effect, ApiConfig] =
(port, timeout).parMapN(ApiConfig)
We can also use flatMap
, or for-comprehensions, to load values without error accumulation.
for {
port <- env("API_PORT").or(prop("api.port")).as[Int]
timeout <- env("API_TIMEOUT").as[Duration].option
} yield ApiConfig(port, timeout)
Using option
we wrap the value in Option
, using None
if the value is missing.
Instead of using None
as default with option
, we can specify a default with default
Note that using a.option
is equivalent to
Default values will only be used if the value is missing. If the value is a composition of multiple values, the default will only be used if all of them are missing. Additionally, later defaults override any earlier defined defaults. This behaviour enables us to specify a default for a composition of values.
).parMapN(ApiConfig).default {
ApiConfig(3000, 20.seconds.some)
When using a fallback with or
, defaults in the fallback will override earlier defaults.
We can create a default value using default
, with a.default(b)
equivalent to a.or(default(b))
When loading sensitive configuration values, secret
can be used.
val apiKey: ConfigValue[Effect, Secret[String]] =
By using secret
, the value is wrapped in Secret
, which prevents the value from being shown. When shown, the value is replaced by the first 7 characters of the SHA-1 hash for the value. This enables us to check whether the correct secret is being used, while not exposing the value.
// res8: Secret[String] = Secret(0a7425a)
To calculate the short hash ourselves, we can e.g. use sha1sum
$ echo -n "RacrqvWjuu4KVmnTG9b6xyZMTP7jnX" | sha1sum | head -c 7
When using secret
, sensitive details, like the value, are also redacted from errors.
In addition to secret
there is also redacted
which redacts sensitive details from errors, without wrapping the value in Secret
. We might not want to use Secret
and show the first 28/160 bits of the SHA-1 hash if there are few enough possible values to enable bruteforcing.
In order to load a configuration, we can use load
and specify an effect type.
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IOApp}
object Main extends IOApp {
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
We can use attempt
instead if we want access to the ConfigError
When decoding using as
, a matching ConfigDecoder
instance has to be available.
The library provides instances for many common types, but we can also write an instance.
sealed abstract case class PosInt(value: Int)
object PosInt {
def apply(value: Int): Option[PosInt] =
if(value > 0)
Some(new PosInt(value) {})
else None
implicit val posIntConfigDecoder: ConfigDecoder[String, PosInt] =
ConfigDecoder[String, Int].mapOption("PosInt")(apply)
To support new configuration sources, we can use the ConfigValue
Following is an example showing how the env
function can be defined.
def env(name: String): ConfigValue[Effect, String] =
ConfigValue.suspend {
val key = ConfigKey.env(name)
val value = System.getenv(name)
if (value != null) {
ConfigValue.loaded(key, value)
} else {
The ConfigKey
is a description of the key, e.g. s"environment variable $name"
. The function returns missing
when there is no value for the key, and loaded
when a value is available. Since reading environment variables can throw SecurityException
s, we capture side effects using suspend